Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas caches

After a long (kid-free) day with my family, we headed out after dark for some caches on Christmas with Fred. Thankfully, we dressed very warmly, because this turned out to be a very cold night with a large amount of time spent outside of the car!

Started off with a quick PNG, then did some walking for our next cache, Zippity Do Do Dah (GC11BDJ). This one was pretty neat, especially since it was not anything like what we expected to find.

Headed to a nearby area that I must drive by at least two or three times a week. I've seen people parked there for lunch, but never really thought much of it. A neat place to explore and imagine what different parts of the area might have been for - isn't often that I see an outdoor tiled floor with no covering. Check out the cache description for more if you are curious: Dreams Turned Nightmare? (GCKJFP).

Next for our first driving night cache - Knight Rider Night Cache #3 (GC31368). Neat concept, definitely recommend a couple of folks so that one can drive and the other direct. Might be a little tricky otherwise. Also (SPOILER), be tall - I say this because I'm 5' 4" and had to be lifted by two people to get this and even then it took several tries and arrangements to get it. Was quite interesting and felt accomplished (and freezing, because at this point it was not only cold, but also drizzling).

Decided to try for the normal walking night caches after this, although the first was disappointing because someone added a lot of barbed wire and it didn't sound like a good idea to climb through it. So, on to the next one, which was actually in a neighborhood - N8 like the stars (GC1APAT). I grew up in that area, so it was neat to go to one of the newer places that has been built up since I moved away. Also, hard to stay quiet since we didn't want to wake anyone.

Then, our last cache for the night, Howler II: Night Cache. WOW. We arrived to the spot around 11:30PM and right away saw the first set of dots. Walked on paths for what seemed like forever before finally hitting the spot to walk into the woods - and then quite a bit more of walking in high grass and broken tree branches. But, find it we did. And get out, clearly, we also did. When we got back to the main road, it was this really did take quite a while. But, perhaps my second favorite night cache I've done so far (and that because I still think my first will always be my favorite).

Caches for this outing:
Zippity Do Do Dah
Dreams Turned Nightmare?
Knight Rider Night Cache #3
N8 likes the stars (NIGHT cache!)
Howler II: Night Cache

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