The first cache was near a local shopping establishment (which we strongly considered shopping in but decided against since we were driving) - Toddy Stop. We decided here that we really dug this town, so we decided to lookup some information at 411.
If you haven't figured it out by now, no caching trip is really complete for me without visiting a cemetery. And New Buffalo has a really nice, well maintained with. With the nice weather, breeze, and sun, I liked exploring the Pine Grove cemetery here. They also had two caches, which we were able to find without issue.
We decided to do a little gift shopping here (very neat toy store), and when we were leaving, Evan spotted something we had to get a closer look at.
After exploring a little more, we decided to start heading back to Chicago and made a few stops in Indiana.
We stopped in two cemeteries and found one cache (for the other, we looked in that tree for like 30 minutes before getting tired of sticking our hands into holes :-)
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