Sunday, June 17, 2012

Caching with my parents

This Saturday, I needed a bit of a relaxing day in order to bring a good close to the hectic previous week. My parents came over for a good lunch and a few games, then we decided to get out of the house for some geocaching. My parents are pretty good at this, I'll have to admit, even though I know it isn't their favorite thing; they go because I like it.

First stop of the day my hubby and I made before my parents joined us for the day in downtown Carrollton. I had previous found it, but muggles nearby made it impossible to grab and sign. Early on a Saturday, the place was empty, so this was a much better time for us. Picked it up, signed it, and put it back with no prying eyes.

After my parents got in on the fun, we aimed for caches around the house we'd previously stopped at, but for one reason or another, had to abandon. Turns out today was a muggle free day all around and we got very lucky.

First in that set of caches was actually pretty easy to pin point and find, a good hide near a few local businesses. Next couple were along fences, and for one I was quite glad to have my taller dad along with me (or else I'd have found it but not have been able to grab it). Another was a pretty easy to spot cache (even with the geocaching logo embedded on the top). Yet another was full of water, and I drained it but didn't even want to think about taking things out or trying to sign it.

Probably my favorite was hidden pretty well, but honestly shouldn't have been so hard to find. My dad and I searched for about 10 minutes before my mom joined us, while hubby waited in the car (he has an injured foot so I cut him some slack). We looked quite a while where the GPS pointed us, then moved a little farther away. And just like that, I saw the top of the container. I tried to direct my dad to grab it since I wasn't in a position to do so, but it was cabled something nearby, so I ended up having to crawl in a odd position while my mom asked me "Is this really worth it?" My answer, "Of course, especially after looking for it that long!"

After grabbing dinner with my parents, we made a quick stop to round it out to 10 for the day, then headed home for some much needed rest.

Top three caches of the day:
On Broadway

Also, a little bad news for the weekend. One of my caches has gone missing, and after reviewing the area, I've determined I cannot replace it. So, good bye What do wasps love?

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