Sunday, April 14, 2013

Introducing Jared and Gabby to Geocaching

If you know us, you know that we love sharing the things we love with our friends and family. So, when Jared expressed interest in geocaching, we were all about showing him. And it was a fun afternoon where we of course lost track of time and got plenty of sun and the dog got plenty of a walk in.

We met at my house and headed to a nearby park that I've found a lot of caches in before, but headed in a different direction for some new finds. The very first was a 5/5, and nice to have others in the group who didn't mind being a tree monkey. We actually found it quite quickly, so that was a relief: NYEDWINT: Tribute to... BEVIKING (Bonus Cache)

We found another easy cache (once we got in from the right side...) and then kept on walking. We got to one I thought would be easy, but it looked like someone had thrown a party there recently and messed things up. But, we found a ducky eraser on the ground, so knew we couldn't be too far off. With some persistance, we found the cache: First Contact

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