Sunday, March 13, 2016

Puzzle series weekend

A while back I started working some puzzle caches, and I spent a bit of time Saturday morning solving many of them, plotting on a map, and driving around finding them with my hubby. We found around ten on Saturday before we had to head on home, then went back out on Sunday to find more. We ending up grabbing 23 in this series of mainly park and grabs once the puzzles were solved, and we have a few more solved that we will grab as time permits.

What I think I loved most about the series was getting to work out some math and chemistry problems. That was a welcome challenge to me, and I hope to find some more like this to attempt later.

There were MANY muggles out at these locations, and I really wish I'd gotten better pictures, as there was clearly a convention in the area...

Also, came across this tennis court that has clearly seen better times.

And, finally, this pair of Mustangs.

My favorite puzzles of the ones we've finished:
Also, here was my t-shirt choice of the day, in keeping with the theme of many of the caches found.

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